RaspberryShake-4D RD29A Earthquake Log Summary

Live Stream from RasbperryShake 4D Seismograph
(RD29A) in Chino Hills

This is a summary of the earthquakes that have been detected by RaspberryShake-4D RD29A located in Chino Hills, Ca. (Full log here). Rows with bold lettering triggered the alarm on the live stream.

If the Ratio (Current signal level/Average signal level for the past 20 seconds) is more than 4 for more than 1.5 seconds, the alarm is triggered. The larger the Ratio, the larger the seismic signal that first arrived at the seismograph.

Rows in non-bold italics did not trigger the alarm, but were recorded by the RaspberryShake. I have only started to log non-alarm quakes since 7/21/20. So, the log before this date is incomplete (My RaspberryShake 4D came online in October 2017).

Additions to the logs are not automated. So, new quakes will be posted as soon as possible.

RaspberryShake-4D RD29A Log Summary for April 2024

Select Month and Year to view a monthly summary. Select only a Year to view a yearly summary.

View the full log here

Number of Earthquakes Detected by Magnitude

0.0 - 0.9 1.0 - 1.9 2.0 - 2.9 3.0 - 3.9 4.0 - 4.9 5.0 - 5.9 6.0 - 6.9 7.0 - 7.9 8.0+ Total
0 17 20 7 3 4 8 1 0 60

Top 5 Largest Magnitudes Detected

Date Time Ratio Event Depth Km Dist Mi Dist Km Images
04-02-2024 17:11:55 M 7.4 - 18 km SSW of Hualien City, Taiwan 34.8 6,864 11,046 Seismogram Image
04-05-2024 04:15:29 18.98 M 6.8 - Maug Islands region, Northern Mariana Islands 222.0 5,868 9,443 Seismogram Image
04-09-2024 03:06:29 M 6.6 - 149 km NW of Tobelo, Indonesia 35.0 7,535 12,126 Seismogram Image
04-14-2024 14:10:02 M 6.5 - 110 km ESE of Kimbe, Papua New Guinea 49.0 6,511 10,479 Seismogram Image
04-27-2024 01:47:16 13.90 M 6.5 - Bonin Islands, Japan region 503.2 5,826 9,375 Seismogram Image

Top 5 Smallest Magnitudes Detected

Date Time Ratio Event Depth Km Dist Mi Dist Km Images
04-22-2024 01:53:54 M 1.0 - 5 km SSE of Chino Hills, CA 13.2 2.0 3.2 Seismogram Image
04-28-2024 20:57:15 M 1.0 - 5 km SE of Ontario, CA 2.9 8.0 12.9 Seismogram Image
04-07-2024 20:20:35 M 1.1 - 9 km ENE of Villa Park, CA 7.9 8.2 13.2 Seismogram Image
04-29-2024 03:02:35 M 1.1 - 5 km E of Yorba Linda, CA 14.6 5.9 9.5
04-02-2024 01:38:32 M 1.2 - 9 km WSW of Corona, CA 3.9 8.4 13.6 Seismogram Image

Top 5 Farthest Detected

Date Time Ratio Event Depth Km Dist Mi Dist Km Images
04-27-2024 09:49:00 M 6.1 - 102 km S of Banjar, Indonesia 68.3 9,070 14,597 Seismogram Image
04-09-2024 03:06:29 M 6.6 - 149 km NW of Tobelo, Indonesia 35.0 7,535 12,126 Seismogram Image
04-02-2024 17:11:55 M 7.4 - 18 km SSW of Hualien City, Taiwan 34.8 6,864 11,046 Seismogram Image
04-14-2024 14:10:02 M 6.5 - 110 km ESE of Kimbe, Papua New Guinea 49.0 6,511 10,479 Seismogram Image
04-17-2024 07:27:28 15.97 M 6.3 - 17 km WSW of Uwajima, Japan 25.7 5,945 9,567 Seismogram Image

Top 5 Closest Detected

Date Time Ratio Event Depth Km Dist Mi Dist Km Images
04-22-2024 01:53:54 M 1.0 - 5 km SSE of Chino Hills, CA 13.2 2.0 3.2 Seismogram Image
04-07-2024 14:08:18 M 1.3 - 6 km ENE of Yorba Linda, CA 9.1 4.5 7.3 Seismogram Image
04-29-2024 03:02:35 M 1.1 - 5 km E of Yorba Linda, CA 14.6 5.9 9.5
04-28-2024 20:57:15 M 1.0 - 5 km SE of Ontario, CA 2.9 8.0 12.9 Seismogram Image
04-03-2024 14:35:18 M 1.3 - 1 km SSE of Yorba Linda, CA 12.1 8.2 13.1 Seismogram Image

Chino Hills, Ca. Weather | www.ChinoHillsWeather.com